Now eCourses

Now featuring eCourses - reading-based downloads to your eReader or Computer. Your Choice — print format courses or eCourses.

How does distance learning work?

Courses are delivered (via postal or e-mail) directly to the student who studies independently and at their own pace. When finished with the course, the student returns their coursework for grading. Each course consists of one or more textbooks and a workbook.

Your Tuition Plan

Every student chose a tuition plan when he or she enrolled. We refer to our plans as Monthly Pay As You Go and PrePaid All-Inclusive.

Open Book Courses

Patriot Bible University's courses are "open book" studies. Most of our courses contain a textbook and a workbook. You simply fill in answers in the workbook as you read the text material and refer to your Bible (King James Version).

The Next Degree

Have you considered whether you are going to continue your studies for another degree after you have completed the one you are pursuing now? Your reaction may be "one thing at a time!" Here are a few issues to consider.

Patriot's Life Experience and Ministry Evaluation

Are you aware of Patriot Bible University's Life Experience and Ministry Evaluation (LEME)? This form allows you to summarize your ministry experience (and other activities that have helped prepare you for ministry).

Encourage Your Spouse

Most students discover that their efforts to complete their degree are much easier when they have the encouragement and support of their spouse.

School of Ministerial Studies

Patriot Bible University has four undergraduate degrees in the College of Ministerial Studies.

School of Christian Education

Patriot Bible University has four undergraduate degrees in the School of Christian Education.

Changing Your Major

Occasionally students feel they need to change their originally declared major, i.e. they desire to change which degree they are working towards.

Enlist New Students!

Many of our students get excited about the great education they are receiving and they want to share their experiences with friends and relatives.

Undergraduate vs Graduate

Sometimes we are asked, "What is the difference between an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree?" That's a fair question.

Patriot: Grade-Point Averages

Some students are seeking a perfect 4.0 grade-point average. While that is commendable, it places the emphasis in the wrong place.

Patriot: Grading

Each course our students receive has a workbook to be filled in and returned for grading. After the workbook is graded, the Registrar records the grade and the workbook is mailed back to the student.

Why is our cost so reasonable?

You don’t have room in your budget to take out a student loan the size of a home mortgage to attend school… at Patriot you can pay as you go.