Accepting International Students from Israel, Canada, Puerto Rico, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Japan, England, Germany, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, South Korea, and all parts of Africa and India.


Yes! Students in most every country can enroll at Patriot. We accept students from all nations – no residency required. Please note that we do not have internships or residential scholarships. All courses are by correspondence only. We do NOT have a campus for you to attend.

Enrollment: Conducted online and payment must accompany application.

Fees: The enrollment fee for International (undergraduate only, not masters or doctoral) students is $59, and includes the Basic Bible Doctrine eCourse. Thereafter, a fee of $39 per course (includes books and tuition) is paid until the degree is finished.

CANADIAN Students and AMERICAN Students are not eligible for this program.

Note: In order to complete a Bachelors degree in less than 4 years, you should be doing one course every three weeks. You may order new courses at any time with your $39 payment. * Some of the new eCourses may require the purchase of an additional eBook from a third-party vendor ($8-15).

Payments: Patriot accepts credit cards, Western Union, and wired funds converted to American currency.

Please note: All foreign scholarships are offered only through attendance in existing Patriot School of the Bible Extensions located in your country.

3194605_medCOMPUTER REQUIRED WITH INTERNET CONNECTION for Online Courses: Books and workbooks are delivered through email. The student downloads them, reads the book and answers the workbook questions using the computer and Adobe Reader 8 or newer. The student is not required to be online but should have a computer to do the work. If you use an internet cafe you might need a thumb drive to save your work on. Note that these courses work on most handhelds. Kindle users must print the workbooks or view on a computer. Student testing is assessed by workbooks turned in for grading.

Note: all courses are reading based, NOT lectures. All courses are available in English only.

International students must order ecourses. International students will receive all courses electronically in a directed study format. (Certain specific courses may not be available to all international students due to international copyright restrictions or other limitations. In that case, we will make substitutions that will fit into your program requirements.)

Exception: We are happy to provide print courses by sending your orders to a missionary or relative in America who can hand-carry them to you.

CANADIAN Students and AMERICAN Students are not eligible for this program.

Communication: We conduct our student communications by phone, internet websites and e-mail, live chat, and postal mail.